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  • Age: 1985 Region:墨西哥 Type:伦理
  • Status: 正片 / 03-03
  • lead:Sasha,Montenegro,José,Alonso,Isaura,Espinoza
  • director:Enrique,Gómez,Vadillo
  • desc:An engineer moves into a bungalow on the beach next to a widow and her two boys. It's obvious that there is a spark between the two adults but it would be a dull film if everything turned out happily ever after. The older boy has a bit of an Oedipal complex and seems to really, really like his mom. Of course, that means that no other man can come and break up their "happy" fami... video detail >
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rotten film


Plot introduction

An engineer moves into a bungalow on the beach next to a widow and her two boys. It's obvious that there is a spark between the two adults but it would be a dull film if everything turned out happily ever after. The older boy has a bit of an Oedipal complex and seems to really, really like his mom. Of course, that means that no other man can come and break up their "happy" fami...   expand all


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