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  • Age: 2021 Region:泰国 Type:马泰,泰剧
  • Status: 第30集 / 03-03
  • lead:纳瓦希·普潘塔奇斯,娜琳迪帕·莎功昂格派,容辛·翁帕尼农,坤纳荣·帕拉德乐,兰奇拉薇·昂库瓦拉沃特,Build,Jakapan,Puttha,Job,Niti,Samutkojorn,尼措空·卡琼伯利叻,Kris,Thanakrit,Saengvanich,本纳占晚·阿呢
  • director:萨拉萨瓦蒂·翁索姆佩奇
  • desc:Praomook works at a nightclub to earn money and pay a debt. She doesn't get along with Chalunthorn because he misunderstood her, thinking she's a bad girl. One day, his parents ask Praomook to marry Chalunthorn to remove the bad luck from him. She accepts the proposal just to get back at him. He pretends to be gay to avoid her but she doesn't believe it. They will eventually start falling for each other, but there are obstructions to their love. Treenutch, Chalunthorn's ex wants revenge while trying to get Chalunthorn back. There's also Maithong, the rival of Praomook's family and Chalunthorn's fling. video detail >
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rotten film


Plot introduction

Praomook works at a nightclub to earn money and pay a debt. She doesn't get along with Chalunthorn because he misunderstood her, thinking she's a bad girl. One day, his parents ask Praomook to marry Chalunthorn to remove the bad luck from him. She accepts the proposal just to get back at him. He pretends to be gay to avoid her but she doesn't believe it. They will eventually start falling for each other, but there are obstructions to their love. Treenutch, Chalunthorn's ex wants revenge while trying to get Chalunthorn back. There's also Maithong, the rival of Praomook's family and Chalunthorn's fling.   expand all

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