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  • Age: 1917 Region:其它 Type:剧情
  • Status: HD中字 / 03-02
  • lead:维克多·斯约斯特洛姆,贝里丽奥特·胡斯贝里,奥古斯特·法尔克,伊迪丝·埃拉斯托夫
  • director:维克多·斯约斯特洛姆
  • desc:挪威著名剧作家易仆生编剧,北欧电影黄金时代的开篇之作。全片實景挪威海岸拍攝,拍攝難度與戲劇張力超越當代。原本平凡的水手,戰時為了養家活口冒險出航,卻被軍人所俘。多年後脫身返家卻人事已非,只有滿腔怨怒相伴。某天,當年俘虜他的仇敵與相隨的妻女海上落難待援,他奮勇而至,卻陷入「復仇還是救援?」的天人交戰。  Terje Vigen, a sailor, suffers the loss of his family through the cruelty of another man. Years later, when his enemy's family finds itself dependent on Terje's beneficence, Terje must decide whether to avenge himself. Based on a poem written by Henrik Ibsen and entirely on location shooting at the Norwegian coast, the film claimed to be the most expensive production and marked the beginning of the Golden Age in the Nordic film history. video detail >
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rotten film


Plot introduction

挪威著名剧作家易仆生编剧,北欧电影黄金时代的开篇之作。全片實景挪威海岸拍攝,拍攝難度與戲劇張力超越當代。原本平凡的水手,戰時為了養家活口冒險出航,卻被軍人所俘。多年後脫身返家卻人事已非,只有滿腔怨怒相伴。某天,當年俘虜他的仇敵與相隨的妻女海上落難待援,他奮勇而至,卻陷入「復仇還是救援?」的天人交戰。  Terje Vigen, a sailor, suffers the loss of his family through the cruelty of another man. Years later, when his enemy's family finds itself dependent on Terje's beneficence, Terje must decide whether to avenge himself. Based on a poem written by Henrik Ibsen and entirely on location shooting at the Norwegian coast, the film claimed to be the most expensive production and marked the beginning of the Golden Age in the Nordic film history.   expand all


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