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少女妈妈 第三季

少女妈妈 第三季

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  • Age: 2014 Region:英国 Type:欧美
  • Status: 更新第06集 / 03-02
  • lead:斯嘉丽·强森,安娜·钱斯勒,本·克朗普顿,安格斯·迪顿
  • director:Natalie,Bailey
  • desc:Janet gets in touch from New York. She tells Laura that she has found somebody else and is contemplating a divorce, even sending an estate agent to have the house valued. Laura tries to reconcile her parents but in vain as Janet informs her that she is staying in New York but will provide Laura with a flat. Jamie and his parents are evicted and move into a mobile home which til... video detail >
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rotten film


Plot introduction

Janet gets in touch from New York. She tells Laura that she has found somebody else and is contemplating a divorce, even sending an estate agent to have the house valued. Laura tries to reconcile her parents but in vain as Janet informs her that she is staying in New York but will provide Laura with a flat. Jamie and his parents are evicted and move into a mobile home which til...   expand all


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