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  • Age: 1982 Region:美国 Type:剧情
  • Status: 更新HD / 03-02
  • lead:罗宾·威廉姆斯,格伦·克洛斯,约翰·利思戈
  • director:乔治·罗伊·希尔
  • desc:Many people criticize a film based on how close it relates and carries over from its novel or written form.   However, knowing up front that this film is NOT the book and dares to actually go in different directions than the book, may allow for a   viewer to be a bit more open about the point of the story and not necessarily the story itself.   I adore the novel. When the film came o... video detail >
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rotten film


Plot introduction

Many people criticize a film based on how close it relates and carries over from its novel or written form.   However, knowing up front that this film is NOT the book and dares to actually go in different directions than the book, may allow for a   viewer to be a bit more open about the point of the story and not necessarily the story itself.   I adore the novel. When the film came o...   expand all


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